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Buurtbudget Zuid 2024 | Cornelis Troost/Hercules Seghersbuurt

Vredeskerkplein Pocket Park

Door: Saskia Huizinga
31 mei 2024

Vredeskerkplein as a landscaped pocket park show how depaving can turn squares with low utilisation into beautiful and usable pocket squares for residents and biodiversity.

The goal of the project is to unlock the full potential of the square and show how depaving can turn squares with low utilisation into beautiful and usable pocket squares for residents and biodiversity. 


Vredekerksplein has two sides, the Aldi side and the Church side. The Aldi side has a few trees and cycle racks. The Church side a very mineral art piece with disused water feature. Both are relatively unattractive and do not provide much green/blue infrastructure nor amenities for local residents.   


During a buurt meeting with five residents (Chris, Gabriela, Trudy, Ed, Saskia), we have brainstormed about how to regenerate the square so it includes more greenery with shrubs, grasses and wildflowers, sustainable urban drainage features, benches, outdoor sitting for a mini café truck, space for a few market stalls, feature lighting, art and play features. More greenery around the austere New Amsterdam architecture style church and blocks of flats would help to integrate those better in the landscape.


We want to work with the Gemeente, residents, businesses and organisations such as Meergroen to make this project happen. We envision to start small with a tactical urbanism approach including temporary, light and affordable elements. 

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