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Buurtbudget Zuid 2024 | Cornelis Troost/Hercules Seghersbuurt

Cornelis Troostplein, the most sustainable square

Door: Saskia Huizinga
31 mei 2024

Cornelis Troostplein will become the most sustainable and holistic square in Amsterdam. Pilot project for many other projects to come. It will become a recognisable place, a local meeting point, a green square, a local economy generator.

The goal of the project is to unlock the full potential of the square and create an exemplar model and pilot project of sustainable and regenerative transformation of squares in Amsterdam.  We want to show how squares can play a key role in neighbourhoods in terms of social, environmental and economic evolution.


Cornelis Troostplein is one of the few squares existing in De Pijp, but unlike Gerard Douplein, it is not an attractive meeting point. It is named after an interesting 18th-century actor and painter from Amsterdam, but nothing reminds us about him. It has some benches and low-planting beds but when we sit, what we mostly see is a mineral surface and a lot of cars. It has a small play feature, but it is not protected from traffic and integrated in the landscape. It has mature trees but tree pits are closed off and nothing is enhancing them. It has a drinking fountain, but it is not integrated into any design. It has a bar, a kiosk, a café, a brewery and meditation centre but these are not connected and activating the square. It has a small busy section near the Albert Heijn, which is disconnected from the rest and is also not attractive. There is lighting but it is high-level only and doesn’t participate in making the square attractive at night. So many lost opportunities!


During a buurt meeting with five residents (Chris, Gabriela, Trudy, Ed, Saskia), we have brainstormed about how to regenerate the square to its fullest for the neighbourhoods’ various residents, visitors and businesses. 

·       A recognisable place: we want to improve the character of the square by introducing multiple sensorial elements to see, touch, listen, taste and smell, including a focal point with art and information related to Cornelis Troost, special lighting garlands, attractive greenery, water and play features, that will also soften the current visual and acoustic dominance of cars and traffic. 
·       A local meeting point: we want to offer facilities for all generations in the neighbourhood with small features for all ages to facilitate people to meet (e.g. treehouse, ping-pong table, chess table, meditation labyrinth, street performance space), various sitting facilities (e.g. benches, hammocks, picnic tables) looking onto attractive elements (e.g. greenery, art, facades) away from traffic, and integrating attractive basic facilities (e.g. public toilet, drinking water fountain, shelter, cycle parking).
·       A green square: we want the square to include various elements showing how to regenerate squares in an environmentally friendly way: planted and connected tree pits, sustainable urban drainage features, solar or wind energy production, permaculture herb patches, wildlife habitat, shared transport hub (e.g. car-club, scooters, bikes), educational boards. 
·       A local economy generator: we want an attractive square to help local businesses to thrive and to support a circular economy approach, with for instance, more space for outdoor sitting, a new income generator café kiosk or food truck activating the square, a gift shed for second-hand books, materials, clothes.  


We want to work with the Gemeente, residents, businesses and organisations such as Meergroen to make this project happen. We envision to start small with a tactical urbanism approach including temporary, light and affordable elements. 

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